Tuesday, August 25, 2015

16 - The names

1. yesha alfafara - alfafarayehs.blogspot.com

2. mark apit - apitmarkjustine.blogspot.com

3. lean carreon - carreonlean.blogspot.com

4. shen coronel - coronelsherine.blogspot.com

5. aleo - deleonaleo.blogspot.com

6. joshue cruz - cruzjoshuaspark.blogspot.com

7. jeeno jimenez - jimenezjeeno.blogspot.com

8. letty laureta -  lauretamaria.blogspot.com

9. marc nares - naresmarc.blogspot.com

10. tyrone fonacier - fonaciertyroneedward.blogspot.com

11. jhenina stacruz - stacruzjhenina.blogspot.com

12. katrina umayao - umayaokatrina.blogspot.com

13. jade zapanta -zapantajade.blogspot.com

14. thom llantos - llantosjoneilthom.blogspot.com

15. dominico cerrada - cerradadominico.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 23, 2015

15 - I have what it takes to be a Filipino

I have what it takes to be a Filipino

A nation is defined as a community that has common characteristics: common language, religion, race and tradition. Therefore, we Filipinos are defined as the people who were born in this nation. All having the same language, religion, race and tradition. But these shall not be the only characteristics we have to be called a Filipino. For being a Filipino is more than being born in this country. So my fellow students, I dare you to ask yourself the same question, “Do I have what it takes to be a Filipino?”
First, a Filipino should be a philosopher and a doer. He must reflect on his thoughts and must have the power to turn it into actions. So that he could actively participate in the improvement of society. A Filipino must know how to support himself and others as well, he will just succeed in it if he has the power to do. The power to be productive and the power to have determination to do so.
Next, a Filipino should know the history of his country and the current events of the world. The Philippines is a country that is not rich only in the aspects of culture, but also historically. One must be acquainted to it’s a country’s history so that he will be able to know how to contribute to the country’s progress as well as how he can improve himself to be a better citizen. A Filipino must also know what is happening around him. For I believe that the history of yesterday and the events of today will be the key to the improvement for tomorrow.
Lastly, a Filipino should be educated with the right moral values. for this will be his gravity to keep his feet on the ground when he thinks he knows well enough to consider himself above others.

In summary, a Filipino should have the power to think and to do, a Filipino should know his past and present, and lastly a Filipino shall be taught well in terms of values. and I am confident to say that I have those characteristics. I am able to think well through situations and let them become my actions. I am here to be aware of how the Philippines came into shape today and what is happening all over the world. And lastly, I believe that the experiences I had is enough to consider myself in the right side. So I am proud to say that I have what it takes to be a Filipino. But I keep in mind that I will still have a lot to prove and improve in our country to be called a true Filipino. To end my speech, I shall ask you this question, “Are you Filipino enough?”

Friday, August 21, 2015

14 - My entertainment speech

My fellow students, we only arrived here four short years ago, and now it's already time to leave. How did it all go so fast? It seems like only yesterday that we were little freshmen trying to figure out where our next class was, and looking generally clueless to all the seniors. Now we are the seniors, the seniors who stand here ready to graduate and move forward in the world. Yet at this moment, we can't help looking back.
How do we measure the time we've spent in high school? In the beginning, we measured it in class periods, counting down the day to eventual freedom. As the days and weeks passed, we measured it in semesters, and later in years as we moved from being those clueless freshmen, to becoming sophomores who thought they had it all figured out. By the time we reached our junior year, we were confident that we were prepared to take over for the graduating seniors, and we couldn't wait to "rule the school."
And now here we stand. Our rule is over, and it's up to the next class to step into our shoes and take over. I know that as I look out at all of you, I will measure my time here in a much different way. I will measure it in all the friendships I've enjoyed these last four years. Some were pretty casual and others were much closer, but I'll remember each one fondly, as I'm sure you all will, too. And when many of our high school memories begin to fade, that's how we'll ultimately measure the time we spent here, not in periods or semesters or years, but in the friendships that we made and the times we shared together.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

13 - My Essay about game consoles

I am a video game fanatic. I love video games when comes to video game consoles. Some people enjoy games because of different game consoles. Game consoles can be played in different control panels that make people enjoy games.

First of all, Entertainment and technology have worked hand in hand on the path of progress since the beginning. Computer gaming has had an ever changing face ever since it was first introduced. We take a look of the upgraded video consoles in the market today. Portable control panels these are the game consoles that you can carry everywhere like Gameboy and an upgraded Gameboy advance. You can play Super Mario 3 and many games in this type of consoles. Nintendo and Nintendo DS are the second popular to many because of its features and graphics. You can also play HD games in this type of consoles and lastly the most popular and best seller, The Playstation another type of Playstation is the Playtion Portable (PSP) and Playstation Portable Vita ( PSPVita) you can play awesome HD games in this type of game console .yet, it is expensive but very worthy because every games on PSP is downloadable in the internet and its free.

A Video Game console is a device generally used for playing video games for non-commercial purposes. The video game console can be either an interactive computer or an electronic device. It produces a video display signal that is displayed using a display device, a television, monitor, etc. to display a video game.
It is called the non-portable control panels. The term game console is used to differentiate a machine designed for consumers to buy and use solely for playing video games from a personal computer, which has many other functions, or arcade machines, which are designed for video game businesses. The examples of these panels are Playstation like Playstation One , Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and Playstation 4 these game consoles can connect to other players online. The PlayStation system opens the door to an incredible journey through immersive new gaming worlds and a deeply connected gaming community. It puts gamers first with an outstanding launch lineup and over 180 games in development. Play amazing top blockbusters games in this kind of console or system. The next one is the XBOX and its amazing types: The XBOX ONE and XBOX 360. Like playstation it is also a best seller and have many great games and lastly the old game consoles the family computer and Oculus.

The video game consoles requires a monitor, a television screen or a computer monitor, to display the images. The video game console is termed such to differentiate between arcade game machines, which are used for commercial purposes and personal computers, which offer many more features to the end-user. Now these game consoles are improving and evolving every people who have  this will really enjoy games . 

12 - My persuasive speech

                      What did you accomplish in every minute... real life changing article, play a game with your friend ?? well not not really have hours and every happy hours you could cook, watch tv, play a game, you an run a marathon or you can make something smile.

                     Well you know every hour or min. minute of your life is important. But if you waste your time in cigarette smoking that is a  bad thing.

                      Did you know that each cigarette you smoke take the every minute of your life and each pack of cigarette that you smoke each day or month you are willing to take care off one in a three quarters of the day of your life. that's one thing that your choosing to do. No one asking you to smoke that cigarette . no one asking you to shorten your life.

                      Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in many many countries like america and australia and according to my research between 1968 and 2013 cigarette caused about 12 million deaths. 4.1 million deaths due to cancer, 5.5 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease, 1.19 million deaths due to respiratory disease. and 94,000 deaths of infant because of mothers who smoke during pregnancy. no one asking you to smoke a  cigarette. you are taking every minute of your life and possibly unborn of your won child. your affecting everyone around you when you smoke a cigarette.

                     A second hand smoke also affects everyone 123 million people are regularly exposed to second hand smoke and 50 thousand of this people die from disease caused by 2nd hand smoke. nicotine is the main chemical on cigarette. it absorbed the blood stream and stimulates the adrenal gland and it also stimulates your central nervous system which the raises your blood pressure, your respiration and your heart rate after that your blood sugar level will rise or increase. nicotine act like cocaine, heroine and marijuana to raise your dopamine level this makes your brain experience joy or happiness. but did you know that this is not last causing you to pick up another cigarette this pleasure is momentarily. it is very addictive this is what all causes cancers , and diseases. one third of cancer and 90 percent of lung cancer is caused by the other chemical that are addicted in cigarette. every time that you cigarette you are inhaling carbon monoxide which raises your risk for cardiovascular disease.

                     Are you killing yourself but you are killing those around you, this is something that yo choose to do so that you can be happy for a few minutes and not only it is very harmful to your health and shorten your life. it cost a lot of money so you save so much money. if you quit smoking you can save precious time of your life.

11 - How to roll up your sleeves

       This is my script during my demonstration speech :)))    

              So today I am going to show you how to roll up your sleeves , because I know it may be difficult for us men to figure out how to do this properly so

              It is the basic roll, its very easy and very quick. You are just going to use your shirt's cuff as your guide and control over that and just fold over the cuff, like I said it's very simple, very quick and now this is mostly the number one way of folding your shirt sleeve. if  you wanna hold a little bit higher above the elbow we could do that as well. except keep in mind it might be a little bit restricting just because you know we do have a little bit more up higher i guess arm on top so it's just where they could do a higher or lower it's all up to you.

              So I think just a mention a mini roll a little bit up above the elbow and I give it up a different type of look so it's just another option in case you want to.

              The second roll called the easy roll, it's really easy. firstly, pull your unbutton cuff all the way just above the elbow then fold this second one to make the cuff more neatly.

              The next one is the slim roll, this roll is very tight and slimmer above the elbow. You need to fold the cuff over on itself. just keep rolling make sure that is neat and smooth all the way around of every roll. This is the more casual roll.

              Let's get moving to the last roll this is was the easiest of them all it's very casual, very relax, what you do is fold it twice and then you just push it on up, as you can see i'm rolling it twice and then just kind of pushing it up on up there and i'm like I said very quick, easy, and more casual like a long day work, after a long day of school , wherever you;'re going.

              There are many types of roll. You can choose what you want just make sure that you are comfortable......


10 - The art of travel

                 They say that the art of travel is to deviate from one’s plan; I say, this art has brought me to where I am today, here where I will be heard, and here where I will be known for who I really am. I am Wyatt Zeus, and you shall all witness my own art – the art of travel.
                 At a young age, I was raised in catholic community. I went to a catholic school to study during my elementary years. Of course, most of you would describe me as a very silent person since I grew up in this kind of environment, but my experience will prove you wrong. Back then, I was one of the naughtiest. Each prank that we made there was a respective punishment for us. I was scolded by my teachers; I was called to our guidance office. But you can’t blame me. At that age I was immature and innocent. I guess this was one of the deviations that I have unconsciously taken.
                 High school came, I promised myself that I would change, I would be someone who is very silent, behave and well-mannered. That was my plan, until I met my great friends who have guided me through a new course, away from what I plan. But I won’t say that they didn’t made me better. In fact, without them I would be a really, really shy person. I might not be the type who would speak first, but because of them. I have learned how to socialize, I have learned how to endure problems and be patient in solving them. Because of them I have formed my dreams from the passion that we all created – that passion is computer games. After all the trials we have been through, high school made me mature, patient and a very outgoing guy. Without my friends, this deviation would not lead me here.
                Now that I am in college pursuing what I really want. I could safely say that because of those little deviations I have met, I may not be strong enough to return to my plan – the plan to improve myself and to become a professional at my chosen passion. College is still a long journey not only for me, but also for us. I must say that this could be another deviation from God’s plan for me. And to quote someone, “I am still far from being what I want to be…”

                I would believe that after college I would be a master of art. The art of travel, where I will be able to create my own deviations of God’s plan without relying only on faith. Good morning, and have a pleasant morning to all. Thank you.