Thursday, August 20, 2015

11 - How to roll up your sleeves

       This is my script during my demonstration speech :)))    

              So today I am going to show you how to roll up your sleeves , because I know it may be difficult for us men to figure out how to do this properly so

              It is the basic roll, its very easy and very quick. You are just going to use your shirt's cuff as your guide and control over that and just fold over the cuff, like I said it's very simple, very quick and now this is mostly the number one way of folding your shirt sleeve. if  you wanna hold a little bit higher above the elbow we could do that as well. except keep in mind it might be a little bit restricting just because you know we do have a little bit more up higher i guess arm on top so it's just where they could do a higher or lower it's all up to you.

              So I think just a mention a mini roll a little bit up above the elbow and I give it up a different type of look so it's just another option in case you want to.

              The second roll called the easy roll, it's really easy. firstly, pull your unbutton cuff all the way just above the elbow then fold this second one to make the cuff more neatly.

              The next one is the slim roll, this roll is very tight and slimmer above the elbow. You need to fold the cuff over on itself. just keep rolling make sure that is neat and smooth all the way around of every roll. This is the more casual roll.

              Let's get moving to the last roll this is was the easiest of them all it's very casual, very relax, what you do is fold it twice and then you just push it on up, as you can see i'm rolling it twice and then just kind of pushing it up on up there and i'm like I said very quick, easy, and more casual like a long day work, after a long day of school , wherever you;'re going.

              There are many types of roll. You can choose what you want just make sure that you are comfortable......


1 comment:

  1. Girls prefer boys who roll up their sleeves, it looks hotter HAHAHA
