Sunday, August 23, 2015

15 - I have what it takes to be a Filipino

I have what it takes to be a Filipino

A nation is defined as a community that has common characteristics: common language, religion, race and tradition. Therefore, we Filipinos are defined as the people who were born in this nation. All having the same language, religion, race and tradition. But these shall not be the only characteristics we have to be called a Filipino. For being a Filipino is more than being born in this country. So my fellow students, I dare you to ask yourself the same question, “Do I have what it takes to be a Filipino?”
First, a Filipino should be a philosopher and a doer. He must reflect on his thoughts and must have the power to turn it into actions. So that he could actively participate in the improvement of society. A Filipino must know how to support himself and others as well, he will just succeed in it if he has the power to do. The power to be productive and the power to have determination to do so.
Next, a Filipino should know the history of his country and the current events of the world. The Philippines is a country that is not rich only in the aspects of culture, but also historically. One must be acquainted to it’s a country’s history so that he will be able to know how to contribute to the country’s progress as well as how he can improve himself to be a better citizen. A Filipino must also know what is happening around him. For I believe that the history of yesterday and the events of today will be the key to the improvement for tomorrow.
Lastly, a Filipino should be educated with the right moral values. for this will be his gravity to keep his feet on the ground when he thinks he knows well enough to consider himself above others.

In summary, a Filipino should have the power to think and to do, a Filipino should know his past and present, and lastly a Filipino shall be taught well in terms of values. and I am confident to say that I have those characteristics. I am able to think well through situations and let them become my actions. I am here to be aware of how the Philippines came into shape today and what is happening all over the world. And lastly, I believe that the experiences I had is enough to consider myself in the right side. So I am proud to say that I have what it takes to be a Filipino. But I keep in mind that I will still have a lot to prove and improve in our country to be called a true Filipino. To end my speech, I shall ask you this question, “Are you Filipino enough?”

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