Thursday, August 20, 2015

10 - The art of travel

                 They say that the art of travel is to deviate from one’s plan; I say, this art has brought me to where I am today, here where I will be heard, and here where I will be known for who I really am. I am Wyatt Zeus, and you shall all witness my own art – the art of travel.
                 At a young age, I was raised in catholic community. I went to a catholic school to study during my elementary years. Of course, most of you would describe me as a very silent person since I grew up in this kind of environment, but my experience will prove you wrong. Back then, I was one of the naughtiest. Each prank that we made there was a respective punishment for us. I was scolded by my teachers; I was called to our guidance office. But you can’t blame me. At that age I was immature and innocent. I guess this was one of the deviations that I have unconsciously taken.
                 High school came, I promised myself that I would change, I would be someone who is very silent, behave and well-mannered. That was my plan, until I met my great friends who have guided me through a new course, away from what I plan. But I won’t say that they didn’t made me better. In fact, without them I would be a really, really shy person. I might not be the type who would speak first, but because of them. I have learned how to socialize, I have learned how to endure problems and be patient in solving them. Because of them I have formed my dreams from the passion that we all created – that passion is computer games. After all the trials we have been through, high school made me mature, patient and a very outgoing guy. Without my friends, this deviation would not lead me here.
                Now that I am in college pursuing what I really want. I could safely say that because of those little deviations I have met, I may not be strong enough to return to my plan – the plan to improve myself and to become a professional at my chosen passion. College is still a long journey not only for me, but also for us. I must say that this could be another deviation from God’s plan for me. And to quote someone, “I am still far from being what I want to be…”

                I would believe that after college I would be a master of art. The art of travel, where I will be able to create my own deviations of God’s plan without relying only on faith. Good morning, and have a pleasant morning to all. Thank you. 

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